
Ellen Fox


Cleveland, Ohio

My father was a violinist and music teacher in the Cleveland suburb school district. I began my training as a violinist in the fourth grade with my fortunate early exposure and opportunities in music experiences. My teacher was a member of the Cleveland Symphony orchestra who played under George Szell. Throughout my entire elementary, junior high, and high school education I performed in the orchestras and was honored with a solo in high school (Bruch concerto). The one year I was a member of the first violin section in the OSU concert orchestra and it was ended after a year as I pursued nursing education at the OSU school of nursing followed with a masters in nursing from University of Cincinnati. I’ve performed for weddings, charitable events and participated in many other music enrichment classes at schools, and special programs and Gulf Coast Symphony is one of many communities orchestras I’ve played in. Others include Atlanta, Cleveland, Cincinnati and Columbus community orchestras during which I was raising my four children and working as a nurse administer. I am so blessed to have had music in my life and I hope to play as long a I can remain healthy and able!

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