
Sarah Spinelli

Sarah grew up in Kokomo, Indiana, but has since lived in Michigan, Colorado, Oregon, and now resides in Fort Myers, Florida with her husband.  Throughout her youth, she participated heavily in marching band, jazz band, concert band, and the pit orchestra for her school’s theater program.  She played clarinet, bass clarinet, trombone, and marched sousaphone.  Sarah focused her academic efforts in Political Science for her Bachelor of Arts through Flagler College in St. Augustine, Florida, and Global Development for her Master of Arts through St. John’s University in Queens, New York.  During her schooling, Sarah spent extensive time traveling throughout West Africa and Europe to study cultural differences in refugee communities, and how religion impacts assimilation into different environments.  She now works with Gartner, Inc., and has grown in her professional career to now hold the position of Senior Programs Developer for Diversity and Inclusion.  Sarah and her husband greatly enjoy traveling internationally, but her passions are also with her local community, and specifically with supporting the arts.

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